About Sequoia

About Sequoia

Whoever says Sequoia, in the same breath says Claudia Poels as a guide of leadership quality in businesses & organizations in Belgium.

Sequoia is the commercial flag under which Claudia Poels has been offering her services to organizations in the area of Leadership Counseling since 2020.
Having been at the top of 2 companies herself for almost 20 years and strongly believing that the quality of leadership is a catalyst for the success of any organization, she focuses her leadership programs primarily on business leaders, executives and high potentials who are being prepared for executive succession.
The expertise, perspective and experience she has gained in the corporate world at the executive level ensure a relevant and credible input in her role as an executive sparring partner for ambitious CEO's, executives and entrepreneurs guiding their teams through challenging transformations.
It is the combination of this extensive business experience with her in-depth and professional education in the coaching profession that sets her apart among the multitude of coaches.  This combination is what her clients consistently appreciate as a premium added value.
Positive and goal-oriented with a no-nonsense style and clear & respectful communication is what characterizes her.

Claudia speaking...

The big challenge for executive leaders in the business world in this 21st century is how they prepare THEMSELVES and their organization so that they can change as fast as the world around us is changing.

The central question is to what extent companies that first and foremost live up to a people-centric leadership style put themselves in a stronger position than companies that remain purely business-oriented and focus narrowly on operational kpi's such as revenue and efficiency. Recent research shows that the paradigm shift to a people-centric approach enables organizations more to adapt and innovate. (Source: The Big Reset Research - joshbersin.com https://joshbersin.com/research/big-reset-2020/)
My great passion and purpose is to support leaders in their growth towards that people-centered leadership style for them to have access to their full power in their professional life. My clients are (1) leaders who seek a sounding board because they want to be permanently successful and (2) the next generation of leaders who are being groomed for a role on the management team.
Human beings, their behavior, their motivations and personal growth in life fascinate me incredibly strongly. Not only in their doing. Also in their way of being. For 30 years I have made this my mission and profession. I use recent insights and techniques from cognitive and positive psychology as well as neuroscience.
I believe that countering our own saboteurs is part of our mental fitness because stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration and shame are all coming from our negative thinking which is sabotaging our progress towards our dreams.
"Your mind is your best friend. But it can also be your worst enemy" as Shirzad Chamine says. So in essence it boils down to evolving from self-sabotage to self-mastery.

Thanks to her solid expertise and former roles as top executive, Claudia Poels is today - under the Sequoia flag - a premium sounding board and professional mentor-coach for ambitious entrepreneurs, executive leaders and high potentials who are self-critical and eager to learn

She also advises and coaches management teams in the field of team development and corporate culture, HR strategy and in-depth substantive HR expertise.

With her authentic, values-driven and result-oriented style Claudia wants to make others permanently successful.  

About Sequoia

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