Emotional Intelligence Coach

Emotional Intelligence Coach

Emotional Intelligence - what is it, how is it measured and how do you develop it?

What's emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a set of non-cognitive competencies and skills that have gained considerable importance in our professional lives because they reflect our ability to cope with challenges and pressures.
So why hesitate to take a closer look at your level of emotional intelligence and decide for yourself which EQ competencies you want to develop further?
As a former Human Resources Director, I experienced that people like to invest time and energy in technical training while the development of our emotional intelligence is at least as important. That is why I have immersed myself in this domain and as a certified EQ-i coach, I offer my clients coaching programs aimed at further developing their EQ skills.

What EQ skills are we talking about?

  • How we express and develop ourselves
  • How we build and maintain our social relationships
  • How we handle challenges
  • How we use emotional information in a purposeful and meaningful way in our decision making

Knowing how adequate our emotional quotient (EQ) is, has been found to be a reliable indicator of:

  • Our personal success during our careers
  • The quality of our interpersonal relationships
  • Our own well-being and happiness

How is emotional intelligence measured?

Emotional intelligence is measured by 5 core areas that express our emotional & social functioning, our actions & decisions, and our personal well-being. These 5 core areas are each in turn further subdivided into 3 sub-areas. Emotional intelligence thus encompasses much more than empathy or the ability to empathize with another's situation (see picture).
The key question then, of course, is what reliable measurement tools we have available at Sequoia for measuring emotional intelligence.
  • Using the scientifically supported EQ-i questionnaire (self-assessment on a five-point scale), the client gains insight into his/her results in the 5 core areas and the 15 sub-areas of emotional intelligence.
  • The multiple 360° tool based on the same EQ-i questionnaire goes one step further and collects additional feedback about the client from at least 3 colleagues or team members. These results are compared to the client's own results allowing for a more in-depth analysis that supports the personal awareness process.
It also gives the company the opportunity to work on career and organizational development because at a glance it becomes clear where the strengths, blind spots and development opportunities are located.

How do you develop your emotional intelligence?

Sequoia offers our clients the choice of the following measurement and development tools with a view to increasing their self-knowledge and providing them with opportunities for further development.
The scientifically supported EQ-i report forms the basis for an individual coaching program of 6 or 9 sessions where we intensively work with the skills that you as a leader want to sharpen. 
Together we will also work on anchoring the created awareness in an improved personal effectiveness within your organization.

You have the choice between:

Individual EQ-i report with the analysis of the EQ results
  1. for a high potential based on the self assessment
  2. for an executive based on the self-assessment about his/her leadership qualities whereby the 15 EQ skills are assigned to four leadership competencies; authenticity, innovation, coaching and insight.
  3. for a high potential or an executive as a 360° report based on multiple input (from minimum 3 colleagues or team members).
Group report EQ-i
  1. for a management team: anonymised group results based on the individual EQ results of all team members

"A growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in all respects in their original talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, everyone can change and grow through practice and experience."

Carol Dweck

Did you know...

1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is linked to critical leadership competencies?

2. EQ is an important factor in bridging the gap between knowing and doing?

3. EQ is directly applicable to leadership challenges such as conflict management and managing change?

4. Low EQ can increase the risk of derailment and this can now be identified and addressed with this tool?

Do you have any questions or want to get started?

Emotional Intelligence Coach

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