Executive Partnership as Mentor-Coach

Executive Partnership as Mentor-Coach

Executive Sparring Partner

Throughout a mentor-coaching program, I support ambitious CEOs, Management Team members and entrepreneurs in finding their accelerators (what moves them forward) and saboteurs (what slows them down). Perspective widening and reframing come from in-depth questions and the art of zooming out. The result is a boost of energy and newly identified options that allow to make better decisions with increased personal resilience as a result.

My tailored approach allows me to respond flexibly to the specific needs of the client. Confidentiality and discretion create a safe environment allowing for great openness and trust, without judgment or the risk of showing oneself "weak". These individual sessions are guaranteed to be the shortest route to greater awareness & connection with oneself with the effect of a higher positive impact on the environment.

In times like today, a quick "return on investment" is crucial.  Therefore, leaders who want to increase their resilience and impact benefit most from an individual mentor-coaching program to raise their awareness and accelerate their potential.

We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.

Marcel Proust

Employees like to follow - and are inspired by - impactful leaders who are able to switch styles smoothly. Contemporary leaders make bold business decisions one minute and demonstrate a people-centered and authentic approach the next. They are an example of lifelong evolution because they know their strengths and dare to work on their weaknesses. It is those gutsy people who take the step of partnering with an Executive Mentor-Coach because it makes them grow, thereby also making their people and the company grow.

What is the positive impact for you that results from our partnership?

  • you discover new options or perspectives for your challenges / problems
  • you tame your inner critic (you're aware of your own saboteurs and know how to redirect them)
  • You have a better understanding of your boosters & derailers and you experience a stronger connection with yourself
  • You increase your energy & enthusiasm
  • You create more impact in your professional context 
  • you have a clear picture of what you want to stand for as a leader and how this becomes visible in your behaviour and decisions
  • you show the person behind who you are as a leader
  • You increase your happiness at work

Did your curiosity got triggered?

For more information about the coaching process and conditions please contact me via the contact button below or schedule an exploratory meeting directly via Calendly

Executive Partnership as Mentor-Coach

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