

Executive Partnerschip as mentor-coach

Who you are, drives what you do.

As a top executive or entrepreneur, what do you want to stand for in your role as leader of your organization?
How do you make that concrete and visible in your leadership style?

“I no longer think that learning
how to manage people, especially
subordinates, is the most
important for executives to learn.
I am teaching above all else, how
to manage oneself.”
Peter Drucker


Emotional intelligence coach

Leadership starts from the inside out.

Allow yourself self-insight into the 'must have skills' of today's leader.

How do you give autonomy to your team members without losing connection? How do you make sure everything runs smoothly without becoming a micro-manager?
Emotional intelligence is crucial but what's the trick to embracing vulnerability, without feeling vulnerable?


Advisory & Support

Sequoia advises and supports management teams on team development, corporate culture, HR strategy and in-depth substantive HR expertise.


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